“When someone falls seriously ill we have to find a way to bring them 70 km to the nearest hospital’’
Inocencia Gómez, health worker Yakye Axa
Historic win or not?
The Indigenous communities Yakye Axa, Sawhoyamaxa and Xákmok Kásek in Paraguay won a historic legal battle for the return of their ancestral lands. Over a decade later, the Government has still not fully complied with the sentences from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Totally depriving the Indigenous communities of their traditional way of life.
Road side living
The 76 families of Yakye Axa have been living by the side of the road for over 20 years. In 2012 the Government acquired 12,000 hectares of land for them. But they have not been able to move to their new home. The reason? The Government has not yet built the necessary 80 km access road to enable them relocate.
Sign the petition now
Tell the Government of Paraguay this indifference has gone on long enough.
Land Rights Now for Yakye Axa, Sawhoyamaxa and Xákmok Kásek!